
Although I had been writing prose for several years, in the Spring of 2020 I turned to poetry as a way to cope with the increasing anxieties and limitations caused by the rising Covid-19 pandemic. At first I tried to write poetry in more traditional styles (think Robert Frost) and enjoyed numerous writing challenges on WordPress. When several strands of my life converged, my writings became more spiritual and liturgical. At that point I consolidated my blog sites into one and re-named it Wrestling with Angels.

I started out trying to write only in an inspiring, hopeful and uplifting manner. But I have found that honest spiritual wrestling also requires being open to dark and scary places. It’s taken me a while to gather the courage to share some of my writing that reflects my wrestling with demons. (Perhaps I’ll add them to the name of this blog soon….)

If my writings, meditations and prayers on the meaning of life speak to you, please let me know. I am curious and interested in the perspectives of others and welcome comments and other points of view. If you do comment, please do it with respect for differences of culture, experience and belief. Thank you and may you experience blessings and peace.

Note: Please see Permission page for details about sharing writings from this blog.